
电影 美国 2024

主演:斯考特·钱伯斯 塔鲁拉·埃文斯 瑞安·奥利瓦 Lewis Santer 

导演:瑞斯·弗雷克·沃特菲尔德 2024-04-16 22:58:02





  "Deep within the 100-Acre-Wood, a destructive rage grows as Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, Owl, and Tigger find their home and their lives endangered after Christopher Robin revealed their existence. Not wanting to live in the shadows any longer, the group decides to take the fight to the town of Ashdown, home of Christopher Robin, leaving a bloody trail of death and mayhem in their wake. Winnie and his savage friends will show everyone that they are deadlier, stronger, and smarter than anyone could ever imagine and get their revenge on Christopher Robin, once and for all."

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